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ALGYL® conjugates the properties of three red seaweeds in synergism with organic glycerin :
* Gigartina stellata (Mastocarpus stellatus) and Kappaphycus alvarezii supply different kinds of sulphated polysaccharides.
* Corallina officinalis, also known as "coral alga" is rich in minerals, especially in calcium required for the regulation of barrier function.

GELYMA proposes ALGYL® to restore epidermal health by acting on several barrier functions. It induces multifunctional barrier activation through innovative modes of action for strengthening and regenerating skin barrier functions while limiting barrier deterioration.
Indeed, it :
* reinforces the outside-in barrier by : restructuring the structural basis of the stratum corneum.
* strengthens the inside-out barrier
* improves the immune barrier
* boosts the antioxidant defense

As a consequence, with ALGYL®, the skin is more hydrated, better protected and more resistant to external damage with healthier appearance.

Sold without preservative, with Phenoxyethanol or Microcare SB (OK Cosmos). Other preservative system upon request.

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