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BRONZ'ALG® conjugates the properties of a calibrated aqueous extract of a brown seaweed in synergism with acetyl-tyrosine.
* Bifurcaria bifurcata is a Lusitanic alga that contains particular interesting chemicals, such as several kinds of oligomers of phloroglucinal. It offers numerous proved biological properties: antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory or antitumoral activities.

GELYMA proposes BRONZ'ALG® to restore epidermal health by acting on several barrier functions. Indeed, it :
* regulates the major genes of melanogenesis pathways
* Facilitates the melanin synthesis in melanocytes
* Improves the interactions melanocytes-keratinocytes
* Protects against UVA/UVB-induced damage
* Promotes skin pigmentation independent to sun exposure

As a consequence, BRONZ'ALG® accelerates tanning, revives dull skin while guaranteeing an efficient skin protection against free radicals and both UVA and UVB radiation.

Sold without preservative, with Phenoxyethanol or Microcare SB (OK Cosmos). Other preservative system upon request.

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