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PrimalHyalTM Ultrafiller, the cosmetic alternative to dermal fillers

To answer this unmet need, Active Beauty experts have designed PrimalHyalTM Ultrafiller, a new generation of topical HA, by optimizing the bioavailability of a specific MW of HA, thanks to its full acetylation.

PrimalHyalTM Ultrafiller behaves as a filler by penetrating deeply into the skin, quickly reducing wrinkles. It also stimulates skin epidermis and dermis metabolisms to:
> Protect the extracellular matrix by decreasing collagenases production and collagen degradation, even under photo-pollution,
> Restore the antioxidant defenses through the sequestosome pathway7, helping skin to fight against free radicals.

Four clinical tests have highlighted the unique consumers benefits of PrimalHyalTM Ultrafiller:
> Flash filler effect: decrease of wrinkles in only 1 to 6 hours,
> Anti-ageing effect: restore skin antioxidant potential, reduce nasogenian wrinkles and improve skin texture.

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