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Carbopol® SC-500 polymer is a polyacrylic acid polymer that has been optimized to provide efficient viscosity and long-term thermal stability in mild and sulfate-free surfactant formulations as well as in low surfactant formulations. This polymer maintains excellent foaming performance, good clarity and ease of processing in challenging low surfactant mild and sulfate-free surfactant formulations.

- Elegant rheology with smooth, honey-like flow
- Excellent for thickening efficiency and suspension in difficult-to-thicken, high pH soap-based and sulfate-free surfactant systems
- Helps to suspend and stabilize beads, microcapsules, and exfoliants for excellent product stability and visual appeal
- Imparts effective thickening, desirable flow characteristics, and permits the formulation of high clarity systems of shampoos, body washes, and other cleansing products
- Improves formulation aesthetics by offering enhanced flow properties to allow the use of consumer-preferred packaging
- Polymerized in an industry friendly solvent system
- Provides long-term viscosity and system stability over a broad temperature range enabling product consistency over time for consumers
- Synergistic thickening and suspension in the presence of salt in liquid soap-syndet systems enabling formulations with high visual appeal

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