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An easy-to-disperse, robust and efficient, ethoxylate-free acrylate-based polymeric emulsifier providing emulsion stability, smooth texture, and a pleasant fresh sensory for milder emulsions.

PemulenTM EZ-4U polymeric emulsifier minimizes skin care formulation constraints through simpler processing and greater formulation flexibility in a cost-efficient manner while offering robust emulsion stabilization, freedom from HLB constraints, stability over a wide pH range, and flexibility for cold or hot processability all at low use levels. It allows the development of a wide variety of textures from a shiny, smooth cream to thin sprayable lotions. PemulenTM EZ-4U polymeric emulsifier provides a light sensorial profile and robustness to stabilize sophisticated ingredients, such as challenging oil systems, actives, perfumes, UV absorbers, film formers, and optical and sensory enhancers.

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