Why publish your products on
Coptis Ingredients database?
You will appear on a working tool for formulators.
The Coptis Ingredients database is a true working tool for cosmetic laboratories.
It enables formulators :
- to find their raw materials by selecting the criteria that match their requirements: search by property, solubility, nature, INCI name... ;
- to access the product information at a glance ;
- to send you sample & information requests by email with a single click
- to export into their Coptis Lab, formulation tool data entered into Coptis Ingredients, in order to exploit essential information at any time.

Among the many tools existing today, Coptis Ingredients is the only one that allows rigorous selection of products according to highly targeted criteria and that gives immediate access to organized and standardized information on products.
Premium members : Your new products are promoted
Your products that are less than 4 months old are automatically published in the Newsletter and the "New launched products" section of the News on Coptis website. The Coptis Newsletter is widely circulated among cosmetics professionals.
The largest manufacturers of raw materials publish their data in Coptis Ingredients : See the full list of suppliers.

Who can list their products in the database?
Only Manufaturers of cosmetic raw materials can display their products on Coptis.
An exception is made for distributors who are exclusive representatives of one or more manufacturers internationally.
All Suppliers may publish their details under the section “Suppliers' Search”.
How to become a member of Coptis Ingredients?
Simply send us the following form, indicating your choice of publication options.
How are your data implemented in the database?
Data input
Coptis Ingredients team takes charge of the input of your information, whatever the number of your products.
You send us by email your product datasheets, MSDS, etc.
Data validation :
Before publication, you validate the data that we have entered.
The Coptis Label, a green flask, is only attributed to products inserted in full mode.
They are promoted in Coptis Ingredients and are listed in priority after multi-criteria searches.
Data update :
You may send us by email your new technical datasheets, MSDS, specification datasheets, etc. at any time, as well as the modifications to be made to the database (precisions, corrections, deletion of products withdrawn from the market, etc.). Corrections are published in the next update.